Deepcut Bridge Road Environmental Improvement Works

Major upgrade works along Deepcut Bridge Road are starting soon, marking the start of an exciting new phase of Mindenhurst. Once complete these works will bring significant benefits, creating a thriving village centre which links the new and existing communities. In addition to greater access and improving the appearance, this area will be safer and easier to use for road users, cyclists, and pedestrians.

As part of these works, we will be enhancing the road by adding a shared pedestrian and cycle way, adding pedestrian crossings, widening the carriage way in some areas, and installing parking bays along the road to support traffic flow and help ease congestion.

We will begin works on 4th September and remove some trees along the eastern side of the road. We understand the concerns that may arise due to such activities, therefore I would like to take this opportunity to reassure you that we are doing this in line with our planning permission and all necessary measures have been taken to protect the local wildlife, particularly nesting birds and bat roosts. I want to emphasize that this tree felling is an essential component of the improvement works aimed at enhancing the area for the benefit of the entire community. However, we fully recognize the importance of preserving the natural environment, experienced ecologists have carried out wildlife surveys, our contractors have been instructed to adhere to strict guidelines during the felling process.

The enabling work will be followed by construction which will take approximately 10 – 12 months. To facilitate this work and to ensure the safety of everyone involved, we will need to close one carriage way at a time starting with the southbound carriageway, closest to the Church. Northbound traffic will continue to use Deepcut Bridge Road while southbound traffic will be diverted down Mindenhurst Road.

We will provide regular updates on our website throughout the whole project so please check there to find the latest news. We understand that these works will cause disruption but we want to assure you that access to businesses and homes will be retained throughout construction. If anyone has any concerns please get in touch with us at

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