Construction Update - September 2021

Construction Update - September 2021

We’ve got lots going on around Deepcut Village from ecological surveys to remediation.

Construction activities

1 – Japanese Knotweed will be removed under license from the area in front of the museum building. These works are expected to take 2 days to complete.

2 – Temporary drop kerbs will be installed on Canada Road to allow new Bovis residents access to their driveways. These works will commence on 1st September and will take 2 weeks to complete.
There may be some local footpath closures while tarmac repairs are made. Road signage will be in place to alert residents of operatives working in the road. There will be no road closures during these works, however roads will be narrowed with barriers and appropriate signage in both directions.

3 – There will be additional small works undertaken to Mindenhurst Road, as requested by the Council.

4 – Works will be commencing on the Bovis Bank. This is the area to the North of Royal Way, just next to the Bovis fence line. Works in this area will be remediation of the ground to remove contaminated material. Works will be accessed through the Bovis parcel and therefore there will be no additional traffic expected on the Royal Way. All footpaths in surrounding areas will remain open during the works. These works are expected to take around 4 weeks to complete.

5 – Soft landscaping will commence on the LAP area of the Central SANGS, on Newfoundland Road. These works will include seeding and planting of shrubs and trees. Access to the work site will be via Newfoundland Road with a slight increase in construction traffic in this area.

6 – Contractors will start to mobilise for soft landscaping works to be conducted on the Green Swathe. This will include installation of fencing and welfare units. Deliveries will be via the Frimley Lock path located South of the Cala development.

7 – Maintenance works to the Village Green and Central SANGS will be ongoing throughout September, including grass cutting, weeding, pruning and planting.

8 – Works will re-commence on Blackdown Road for the installation of a new substation. Works will include, the removal of a rhododendron which is considered
a pernicious weed, and the excavation of a multiservice trench along the length of the MOD access road to the Sergeants’ Mess. It is anticipated that these works will continue into October.

9 – Maintenance will be carried out at the Maultway and Northern Access Roundabouts to cut the grass and wild flowers. Cutting is essential at this time of year to keep excess grass and weeds at bay, and to encourage wildflower growth next year.

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