Mindenhurst Wild Week Roundup 2022

Here is a roundup of the best bits from a full week of getting up close and personal with mother nature and the very special wildlife in Deepcut.

Wild Week kicked off with an insightful talk by Surrey Wildlife Trust who told residents about the different animals living in the area, how, where and when is best to spot them, and how to help local species survive and thrive. Surrey Wildlife Trust also led a bat walk later in the week, where the group got to see and hear Pipistrelle and Soprano bats as they flew overhead catching insects.

Families enjoyed taking part in a minibeast hunt, discovering all sorts of wonderful bugs and creatures that live in the Central SANG with expert assistance from Hannah O’Kelly, Environmental Advisor at Mindenhurst. For anyone who missed it, there will be a second hunt taking place on 24th August at 1pm on the Village Green.

The wildlife photography competition launched during Wild Week will be running until 24th August, details on how to take part can be found online here: mindenhurst.co.uk/events/wild-photography-competition

Thank you to everyone who took part, and to Surrey Wildlife Trust, for making it such a fascinating and fun experience.

For information on future events, visit: Mindenhurst.co.uk/events, @MindenhurstDeepcut on Facebook, or email a member of the team at hello@mindenhurst.co.uk

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