Mindenhurst team supports Lakeside School's Feeling Good Week

The Mindenhurst team spent a week supporting the newest members of the Mindenhurst community, Lakeside School. The team hosted a full week of activities for pupils to enjoy as part of Healthy Surrey’s Feeling Good Week.

This year’s Feeling Good Week took place between 9 October and 13 October 2023, it is an annual event which supports Surrey’s Healthy Schools Approach to wellbeing, health, and achievement, focused on prioritising our own and other people’s physical, mental, and emotional health.

This year’s theme was ‘I can… We can…’ and was centred on the value of collaboration. The Mindenhurst team delivered a series of construction-themed activities which revolved around working together to achieve more and taking care of one another.

The week kicked off with an assembly, linking the values of Feeling Good Week to construction safety. The assembly encouraged students to look out for others, and to speak up if they are worried about someone or if they spot a hazard.

The Mindenhurst team led a building exercise for years 1-6 which highlighted the benefits of both working together and making sure everyone is included. This was followed by a bug hunt for reception children, delivered in partnership with Surrey Wildlife Trust, to highlight the importance of being kind to others and the world around them.

Niki Dufour, Community Relations Manager at Mindenhurst, said: “It was brilliant to see the students working together, and learning the importance of looking out for each other all whilst having fun. We really enjoyed the opportunity to collaborate with Lakeside School so thank you for having us!”

Stacey Wilkinson, Year 1 Teacher, and Mental Health Lead said: “It was so nice to see all the children working collaboratively and sharing resources to make some amazing creations. It was a great opportunity for them to listen to each other’s views and develop their understanding of ways to support each other with a fantastic open-ended task. Thank you so much!”

Lakeside School is a brand-new facility in the heart of Mindenhurst, boasting 14 classrooms all with adjoining bathrooms and a range of facilities to support pupils and staff, including: two halls, a music room, modern kitchen, student cookery room, library, medical bay, and staff room.

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