Hannah is responsible for monitoring animals and wildlife on site to ensure we keep track of how our works affect our environment and, where possible, reduce our impact.
We kicked off the series by taking a look at the night vision camera footage which records the activities of badgers on site and shared what we found.

Next Hannah and a trained ecologist from Surrey Wildlife Trust rehomed a bat to one of our purpose-built bat barns – it had been living in a building which is going to be demolished and needed help to make the journey. The bat was tucked inside a special fleece which Hannah kept warm inside her jacket.
Hannah also shared with that we have one large bat barn and 142 bat boxes around the site.

Next up Hannah took us on one of her regular reptile surveys and explained how, where needed, she relocates reptiles to a different part of Mindenhurst that meets their habitat needs. Here she is checking reptile mats for any signs of our cold-blooded neighbours!

Hannah showed us round the recycling area, explained how materials are separated and showed us that some materials from the demolitions are even reused for construction on site.
Hannah carefully monitors the amount of waste produced each month, keeping track of our progress and helping us hit our target to divert 99% of our construction waste from landfill to be reused or recycled.
Finally, Hannah shared one of the highlights of working with Skanska since she joined. As part of her work on our Junior Leadership Team, she had the opportunity to visit our Building Team in New York.
It was a great opportunity to learn all about the work we do in the US, and a chance for the two teams to share knowledge and learn from one another.
Hannah delivered a presentation on how at our team looks after staff’s mental health, sharing the work our mental health ambassadors do on a daily basis and the training we provide to our staff – this talk was part of an initiative to share our leading mental health awareness scheme.
The group had a jam packed visit, including visits to the Penn Station upgrade works and Moynihan Train Hall, St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church which sits on the 9/11 memorial campus, North Shore University Hospital, the upgraded Empire State Guest Experience, and The Oculus.