Construction Update - November 2021

Please find below the latest construction update.

Construction Update - November 2021

1 – Work to the Green Swathe will continue, including soft landscaping and footpath works. Access will continue to be from the Frimley Lock cycle path into the South of the Green Swathe. Further details of these works will be shared with neighbouring residents.

2 Maintenance works are ongoing to the Village Green, Central SANGs and Mindenhurst’ Road, including de-weeding, grass cutting and planting.

3 – Continuing works on the Local Area of Play (LAP), which includes soft landscaping and installation of the play equipment.

4 –Commencing remediation works on the Bovis Bank. Access to this area of the site will be through the existing Bovis A3 Parcel. Air monitoring equipment has already been put in place for these works to ensure that there is no risk to the public or residents during the remediation works.

5 – Commencement and completion of remedial works to the residents’ access drive off Deepcut Bridge Road, just North of the railway bridge. These works will be controlled by traffic management in the form of a lane width restriction for the duration of the works. A full road closure will be in place on the 16/11/2021 to complete works on the railway bridge. There will be yellow advanced warning signs in place for this road closure and a full diversion in place.

6 – Asbestos surveys to the existing MOD buildings will continue.

Construction Update - November 2021

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