Construction Update - May 2021

Please find below the latest construction update.

Construction Update - May 2021

1 – Ground remediation work will begin on the local areas for play (LAPS), Green Swathe and the southern sustainable drainage systems (SuDS)

We will carry out the safe removal and disposal of contaminated material.

1a – The LAP is within the Central Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG). There will be a slight increase of construction vehicles in this area but current access to the Central SANG will not be affected.

1b – The Green Swathe is located between the two current CALA homes development sites and extends from the Village Green down to the Frimley Lock path. Access to the site will be via the Frimley Lock path which means an increase in the number of construction vehicles using the path to gain access to the site. Machinery will be operating Monday-Friday, between 8am to 5pm.

1c –The Southern SUDS is situated in the area of woodland between the Frimley Lock path and the Basingstoke Canal. Access to the site will be the same as the Green Swathe site detailed above.

2 – The Mindenhurst team will be moving into their new project office in the former Premier shop building. The existing office located next to Mindenhurst Primary School will be removed.

3 – Trenching works will continue from Deepcut Bridge Road, along Minorca Road, and in front of the cricket pitch site. This is for the installation of a water main to feed the residential houses and further developments in this area. This will mean that during May there will be some traffic management measures in place along Minorca Road, which will include traffic lights and signage.

4 – We will start trenching works along Blackdown Road, from the Sergeants Mess access on Blackdown Road, to Deepcut Bridge Road/North Access Roundabout. This trench will be tight to the kerb on the housing side of the carriageway and is necessary for the installation of electrical cables to Substation 14 which will provide power to the local areas.

5 – Maintenance works, will be ongoing in the Central SANG. This will involve construction machinery operating in this area and will limit access to part of the SANG while work takes place. The majority of the Central SANG route will remain open for pedestrians.


Construction Update - May 2021

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