Construction Update - July 2021

Please find below the latest construction update.

Construction Update - July 2021

1 – Trenching works to Deepcut Bridge Road commenced on the 28/06/2021 and will continue for 5 weeks. This will involve the closure of one lane and two bus stops on Deepcut Bridge Road. This work is taking place to install HV power cables between the substation opposite the Village Green and the substation located on Blackdown Road (via Woodend Road).

2 Works will be continuing on the Green Swathe in the form of a vegetation scrape to the swathe area. All vegetation will be removed to prevent the nesting of birds and reptiles prior to the landscaping works commencing.

3 – Remedial works will be commencing on the private driveway located at the railway bridge on Deepcut Bridge Road for 4 weeks. This will involve a lane restriction heading Southbound on DBR and will require a half day road closure to the railway bridge on Saturday 24th July. Advance notice signs will be displayed in the surrounding area 2 weeks before this road closure takes place.

4 – Contractors will be mobilising at the end of July to commence works on reprofiling the road outside of the Cala development (Brunswick Road directly outside of the MOD entrance gate). This will involve stripping and re-laying the road in this area.

5 – Lighting bollards will be installed to the footpath between Deepcut Bridge Road and Mindenhurst Road which is located next to St. Barbara’s Church.

6 – Landscape maintenance works will be ongoing to the Village Green and Central SANGs areas.

Loop Road Reserved Matters Application
We will be submitting a Reserved Matters Application for the Loop Road w/c 19th July 2021. The Loop Road will provide access to future residential parcels. The road forms a loop from the east of the Mindenhurst Road and will connect to the section of road that has already been constructed adjacent to the Primary School site.

This Loop Road will deliver:
• Access for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists to the future residential areas
• New sustainable drainage along the western end of the loop road
• 3 new electricity substations to support new housing
• Safe access for cars, pedestrians and cyclists to move between
residential and green spaces.

Construction Update - July 2021

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