Mindenhurst project team takes part in the Great British Spring Clean

On Thursday 23 March the Mindenhurst team took to the streets and parks around Mindenhurst and Deepcut in an effort to tidy up the local area.

It’s the third year the project team has joined in, this year’s team effort saw them collect 10 bags of rubbish.

The Great British Spring Clean is an annual campaign which aims to keep Britain tidy and improve local places. The nationwide campaign runs from 17 March to 2 April with community clear ups taking place up and down the country.

Now in its eighth year, the Great British Spring Clean is a feel-good, national effort to clean up public spaces for everyone to enjoy. The initiative aims to eliminate litter, improve the environment in local neighbourhoods and foster a sense of community among the #LitterHeroes that take part. It is an opportunity for people to come together and make a positive impact to their community and has positive benefits for both mental and physical health.

Local residents can still take part by borrowing litter pickers from the Skanska Project Office on Newfoundland Road. Anyone who is interested should get in touch with the team by emailing hello@mindenhurst.co.uk.

Leisliane Garcia, Development Director, at Skanska, said: “Our team enjoyed getting out and about around Mindenhurst to show support for Keep Britain Tidy’s campaign, it’s as important as ever to take care of our environment. We’d like to thank the residents who gave us suggestions of the places in need of some care and attention.”

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