Mindenhurst celebrates Wild Week 2023

Wild Week returned to Mindenhurst for the third year in a row, with a full week of nature inspired activities for the whole community to enjoy.

On Monday 21 August the Mindenhurst team kicked off their annual Wild Week, with events aimed at bringing residents and local wildlife together.

The week started with a new nature trail through Mindenhurst, which residents can download at mindenhurst.co.uk.

Highlights of Wild Week 2023 included an evening bat walk led by Surrey Wildlife Trust. Equipped with bat detectors, residents were guided through the Central SANG, listening to the echolocation calls and learning how to identify the different sounds from each species. It was a wonderful experience hearing their calls and watching the bats swoop overhead to catch insects.

The Mindenhurst team, supported by Surrey Wildlife Trust, also hosted events on the Village Green throughout the week, including mini beast hunting, pond dipping, and a session making wildflower seed bombs and bird feeders.

Niki Dufour, Community Relations Manager at Mindenhurst, said: “It was brilliant to see the local community getting involved with the activities we arranged, we enjoyed meeting lots of new bug hunters helping us to catch butterflies, grasshoppers in addition to a large spider! We are thrilled to have hosted another successful Wild Week and look forward to future events at Mindenhurst in the coming months!”

To keep updated on future events at Mindenhurst visit: @MindenhurstDeepcut on Facebook or visit Mindenhurst.co.uk

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